9 years of Parasha articles. 

Parshat Vayikra

By Yosef Farhi | Mar 14, 2011

In memory of Reuven ben Sarah 1.It’s a Matter of Principle Vayikra el Moshe vayedaber Hashem eilov mei’ohel mo’ed leimor”- And (Hashem) called out to Moshe and Hashem spoke to him from the ohel mo’ed, saying…” (Vayikra 1:1) The Midrash Rabbah (1:15) learns from this pasuk that even a dead animal is better than a…

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Parshat Pekudai, Parshat Shkolim, Rosh Chodesh Adar B'

By Yosef Farhi | Mar 13, 2011

1.Trust Me Moshe and the Mockers “Eileh pekudei Hamishkan mishkan ha’eidut asher pukad al pi Moshe…” – These are the calculations of the Mishkan…which were accounted for by the command of Moshe. (Shemot 38:21) In this week’s parsha, the Torah makes an accounting of where all the gold and silver that Klal Yisrael donated for…

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Parshat Vayakhel

By Yosef Farhi | Mar 13, 2011

Jewish Remedy to Relaxation  “Six days your work shall be done and on the seventh day…rest” (Exodus 35:2).   In this pasuk, there seem to be two commandments: to rest on the seventh day, and to work the other six days.  But is there really a mitzvah to work six days a week? Also, the…

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