9 years of Parasha articles. 

french – ekev

By Yosef Farhi | Aug 18, 2011

——Corriger – Pour l’enfant ou pour soi ?——                                 —— Qu’est-ce que la crainte d’Hachem ?——                                         Corriger – Pour l’enfant ou pour…

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english vaetchanan

By Yosef Farhi | Aug 10, 2011

—WHO REALLY BURNT DOWN THE TEMPLE? —-DOUBLE PUNISHMENT / DOUBLE CONSOLATION —HOW EVIL IS THE EVIL INCLINATION?     —WHO REALLY BURNT DOWN THE TEMPLE?—- In the Nacheim prayer we say on Tisha B’av afternoon, we recall the destruction and rebuilding of the Beit HaMikdash this way: You set it on fire, and You will…

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french vaetchanan

By Yosef Farhi | Aug 9, 2011

Double peine – double consolation  Lorsque les gens parlent de soutien, ils font généralement référence aux soutiens affectif, physique, ou financier, sur lesquels repose le psychisme humain afin de demeurer sain et équilibré. Si l’un d’entre eux venait à manquer pour un individu, celui-ci s’effondrerait, et d’autant plus gravement si c’était le soutien affectif qui faisait…

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spanish – vaetjanan

By Yosef Farhi | Aug 9, 2011

¿QUIÉN REALMENTE QUEMÓ EL TEMPLO SAGRADO? En el párrafo “Najem”, recitado en las plegarias de la tarde de Tisha Be´av, recordamos la destrucción y reconstrucción del Bet HaMikdash de la siguiente manera: “Tú lo encendiste en llamas y con llamas Tú habrás de reconstruirlo” (כי אתה באש הצתה ובאש אתה עתיד לבנותה וכו’). También el Midrash…

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parashat devarim – english

By Yosef Farhi | Aug 4, 2011

–THE MONTH OF AV – THE MONTH OF “FATHER”– —–A STEP TOWARDS “אהבת חינם”——– ——AVOIDING AVOIDANCE——-   –THE MONTH OF AV – THE MONTH OF “FATHER”– A year and a half ago, newspaper headlines reported the tragic death of David Cohen (details have been changed in deference to the family) and his wife, of blessed…

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french – devarim

By Yosef Farhi | Aug 4, 2011

—-Av, le mois ‘’père ’’—– —Un pas vers l’amour inconditionnel—- —-Réduire les activités——-   —-Av, le mois ‘’père ’’—– Il y a un an et demi, les titres des journaux du monde entier ont rapporté la mort tragique de David Cohen et de sa femme, de mémoire bénie, dans un accident de voiture. Plusieurs autres membres de…

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spanish – devarim

By Yosef Farhi | Aug 4, 2011

—–EL MES DE AV – “¡PADRE!”—–  —Un paso adelante hacia el “AMOR INCONDICIONAL”— —–EVITANDO ELUDIR——   —–EL MES DE AV – “¡PADRE!”—–  Varios años atrás, los titulares de los periódicos en todo el mundo informaron acerca de un trágico accidente de tránsito en el que fallecieron los padres de una familia, junto a algunos de…

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french parashat masei

By Yosef Farhi | Jul 29, 2011

——-COMMENT NOUS SENSIBILISER AU DEUIL DE TISHA BEAV ?——- Nous, le peuple juif, avons le devoir de nous rappeler tous les jours que notre temple a disparu et que nous sommes en exil. Trois fois par jour dans nos prières, et dans le Birkat hamazone (la prière de grâce après le repas), nous évoquons la destruction de…

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parashat masei – english

By Yosef Farhi | Jul 27, 2011

  LEARNING TO CRY ON TISHA B’AV SUBCONSCIOUS DECISIONS   ——LEARNING TO CRY ON TISHA B’AV—– We Jews get quite a few daily reminders that our Templeis gone and that we are in exile. Three times a day in our prayers, and in Birkat HaMazone (the Grace after Meals), we recall the destruction of Jerusalem…

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parashat masei – spanish

By Yosef Farhi | Jul 27, 2011

leiluy nishmat – Moshe Ben Nazira, Letife Bat Farida, Eduardo David Ben Leah  ——–APRENDIENDO A LLORAR EN TISHÁ BE´AV——– Nosotros, como judíos, poseemos bastantes recuerdos diarios de que nuestro Templo Sagrado ya no está y que estamos en el exilio. Tres veces al día en las plegarias, y en el Birkat HaMazón (bendición posterior a la comida),…

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english parashat mattot

By Yosef Farhi | Jul 21, 2011

******ELIMINATING ANGER    *****WE ARE WHAT WE SAY \ ELIMINATING ANGER  Recall for a moment someone you recently saw getting angry. Did you notice the metamorphosis? The face turns red or pale, the shoulders stiffen up, and the nostrils flare. The tone of voice changes dramatically, and the volume hits the far end of the…

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spanish parashat mattot

By Yosef Farhi | Jul 21, 2011

 Leiluy Nishmat- Moshe Ben Hazira, Letife Bat Farida, Eduardo David Ben Leah   Parashat Mattot                                                ELIMINANDO EL ENOJO Imagínate por un momento a alguien que hayas visto enojarse recientemente. ¿Te has percatado de la metamorfosis? El rostro se vuelve rojo o pálido, los hombros se vuelven rígidos y las ventanas de la nariz arden. El…

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french parashat mattot

By Yosef Farhi | Jul 21, 2011

*****ELIMINER LA COLERE *****NOS PAROLES NOUS CARACTERISENT *****«LES TROIS SEMAINES”  CONNEXION avec notre passé   ELIMINER LA COLERE Remémorez-vous un moment où vous avez vu quelqu’un se mettre en colère. Avez-vous remarqué la métamorphose qui survient chez une personne qui se met en colère ? Le visage devient rouge ou pâle, les épaules se raidissent, et les narines…

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By Yosef Farhi | Jul 18, 2011

   CONNECTING WITH OUR PAST   There are 21 days on the Jewish calendar when we are supposed to mourn the destruction of our Holy Temple in Jerusalem. The Three Weeks – beginning on the fast of the seventeenth of Tamuz and ending on Tishah b’Av – is a period of national mourning in which…

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english- parashat pinchas

By Yosef Farhi | Jul 14, 2011

Parashat Pinchas Appreciating Diversity   The Midrash tells us that Moshe was not sure about who should succeed him after his passing (Midrash Rabbah 21:2). Hence, he turned to G-d to appoint a suitable successor to lead the Jewish People: Master of the Universe, You know the opinions of each and every one of them,…

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Spanish- parashat pinchas

By Yosef Farhi | Jul 12, 2011

parashat pinchas Apreciar la Diversidad El placer de hacer el bien La pureza de nuestros motivos Merecerse la Recompensa Leiluy Nishmat- Moshe Ben Hazira, Letife Bat Farida, Eduardo David Ben Leah Apreciar la Diversidad El Midrash relata que Moshé no estaba seguro sobre quien debía sucederle después de su muerte (Midrash Rabbah 21:2). Por lo…

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english parashat balak

By Yosef Farhi | Jul 8, 2011

1. BILAAM AND AVRAHAM: TWO ENDS OF THE SPECTRUM The famous Mishnah in Avot teaches that whoever has an evil eye, haughty spirit, and a strong desire to pursue pleasure and materialism is a disciple of Bilaam. In contrast, whoever has a good eye, humble spirit, and self-restraint is a disciple of Avraham (Ch. 5).…

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French Parachat Balak

By Yosef Farhi | Jul 8, 2011

1.Bilaam et Avraham: deux extrémités du spectre Une Michna très célèbre des Pirké Avot  enseigne que quiconque a un mauvais œil, un esprit hautain, et le désir insatiable de poursuivre les plaisirs de ce monde est un disciple de Bilaam. En revanche, celui qui possède un œil bon, un esprit humble et fait preuve de maîtrise…

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Spanish Parashat Balak

By Yosef Farhi | Jul 8, 2011

Leiluy NishmaT : Moshe Ben Hazira, Letife Bat Farida,Eduardo David Ben Leah 1.Los Elementos De Uuna Nacion BILAAM Y ABRAHAM: DOS EXTREMOS DEL ESPECTRO La famosa Mishná en Avot enseña que quien tiene un mal ojo, un espíritu arrogante y un fuerte deseo de conseguir placer y materialismo es un discípulo de Bilaam. En contraste,…

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Parshat Chukat

By Yosef Farhi | Jun 30, 2011

In memory of Reuven ben Sarah 1. The Limits of Human Understanding 2. Pursuing Peace Wisely 3. A Jewish Jew The Limits of Human Understanding The gentiles…single out the Mitzvah of the פרה אדומה Red Heifer פרה אדומה to scoff at. They ask the Jews: “What is this mitzvah and what is the meaning behind…

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Paracha Houkat

By Yosef Farhi | Jun 30, 2011

L’étude de ce Dvar Torah est consacrée a la mémoire de Hanna bat zahra, Hanania Rephael ben Hanna, Mahlouf ben Merima, Diamanti bat Messaouda, Raphael ben Yaakov, Gracia bat Hanna,Jais ben Rahel, Eliahou ben Hanna, Amram ben Zarha. 1. Les limites de la compréhension humaine 2. PourSsuivre La Paix 3. Juifs Les limites de la…

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Parshat Korach

By Yosef Farhi | Jun 23, 2011

In memory of Reuven ben Sarah 1. Eliminating Jealousy 2. A Place For Jealousy 3. Defusing Disputes Eliminating Jealousy I recently met a man of ninety-five who looked much younger than his age. I was so impressed by his physical and emotional energy that I could not resist asking him to reveal the secret of…

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Paracha Korach

By Yosef Farhi | Jun 23, 2011

L’étude de ce Dvar Torah est consacrée a la mémoire de Hanna bat zahra, Hanania Rephael ben Hanna, Mahlouf ben Merima, Diamanti bat Messaouda, Raphael ben Yaakov, Gracia bat Hanna, Jais ben Rahel, Eliahou ben Hanna, Amram ben Zarha. 1. L’élimination de la jalousie 2. Désamorcer les disputes L’élimination de la jalousie J’ai rencontré récemment…

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Parshat Shlach

By Yosef Farhi | Jun 17, 2011

In memory of Reuven ben Sarah 1. Para Paranoia 2. Discovering and Dealing with Self-Deception 3. Self Esteem of a Grasshopper 1. Para Paranoia When baseless or excessive suspicion of the motives of others displaces rational thinking and evaluation, we call it paranoia. One who looks beyond (para) the surface of others’ actions, and suspects…

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Paracha Shlach

By Yosef Farhi | Jun 17, 2011

L’étude de ce Dvar Torah est consacrée a la mémoire de Hanna bat zahra, Hanania Rephael ben Hanna, Mahlouf ben Merima, Diamanti bat Messaouda, Raphael ben Yaakov, Gracia bat Hanna, Jais ben Rahel, Eliahou ben Hanna, Amram ben Zarha. 1. Para – paranoïa 2. La mauvaise foi. 3. La confiance en soi d’une sauterelle 1.…

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Parshat Naso/Expanded Shavuot Edition

By Yosef Farhi | Jun 3, 2011

In memory of Reuven ben Sarah 1. A Key To Martial Harmony 2. What We Can Learn From The Nazir 3. The “Priestly Blessing”- The Power of a Blessing 4. Shavuot, the Veiled Festival 5. Being a True“Receiver” of Torah 6. King David’s Secret Weapon 7. Defusing Disputes (Parshat Beha’aloscha) A Key To Martial Harmony…

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Paracha Naso

By Yosef Farhi | Jun 3, 2011

L’étude de ce Dvar Torah est consacrée a la mémoire de Hanna bat zahra, Hanania Rephael ben Hanna, Mahlouf ben Merima, Diamanti bat Messaouda, Raphael ben Yaakov, Gracia bat Hanna, Jais ben Rahel, Eliahou ben Hanna, Amram ben Zarha. 1. Birkat Cohanim – La “bénédiction sacerdotale” et sa Puissance 2. La puissance d’une bénédiction 3.…

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Parashat Bechoukotay

By Yosef Farhi | May 20, 2011

L’étude de ce Dvar Torah est consacrée a la mémoire de Hanna bat zahra, Hanania Rephael ben Hanna,Mahlouf ben Merima, Diamanti bat Messaouda, Raphael ben Yaakov, Gracia bat Hanna,Jais ben Rahel, Eliahou ben Hanna, Amram ben Zarha. Le Labeur dans la Torah 1. Qu’est-ce-que le labeur dans l’etude de la Torah ? 2. L’Education de…

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Parshat Bechukotay

By Yosef Farhi | May 19, 2011

In memory of Reuven ben Sarah Toiling in Torah 1. …אם בחקתי תלכו…ונתתי גשמכים בעתם 2. Yeshiva Education 3. Behind the Scenes 4. The Ultimate Example of Continuity 5. “Do Not Disturb!” 6. Genuine Torah 7. Post Script …אם בחקתי תלכו…ונתתי גשמכים בעתם (If you follow my statutes…I will provide you with rain at the…

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Paracha Emor

By Yosef Farhi | May 12, 2011

L Etude de ce Dvar Torah est consacre a la mémoire de Hanna bat Zahra Une Génération De Victimes 1. Dépression et Responsabilité 2. L’Avalanche Fatale 3. Approche de la Torah à la psychologie 4. La goutte qui fait déborder le vase 5. Responsable ou justifiable? 6. L’estime de soi n’est pas à vendre Dépression…

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Paracha bear

By Yosef Farhi | May 12, 2011

L’étude de ce Dvar Torah est consacrée a la mémoire de Hanna bat zahra, Hanania Rephael ben Hanna, Mahlouf ben Merima, Diamanti bat Messaouda, Raphael ben Yaakov, Gracia bat Hanna,Jais ben Rahel, Eliahou ben Hanna, Amram ben Zarha. Paracha Bear 1. L’ours qui danse. 2. Représentations internes de la Sainteté 3. «Ai-je grandi ou non?…

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Parshat Behar

By Yosef Farhi | May 12, 2011

In memory of Reuven ben Sarah Praying for a Brainstorm 1. The Dancing Bear 2. Internal Representations of Holiness 3. Repentance and Representations 4. “Did I Grow or Not?” Jewish Approach to Emotional Pain 1. G-d‘s Wide Shoulders 2. Broken Hearts 1. Praying for a Brainstorm Many people wonder why their minds drift during prayers.…

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Parshat Emor

By Yosef Farhi | May 5, 2011

In memory of Reuven ben Sarah A Generation of Victims 1. Depression and Responsibility 2. The Lethal Avalanche 3. The Torah’s Approach to Psychology 4. The Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back 5. Responsible or Excusable? 6. Self-Esteem Is Not For Sale Depression and Responsibility Several generations ago, psychology introduced us to a concept that…

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Parshat Shemini

By Yosef Farhi | Mar 24, 2011

In memory of Reuven ben Sarah Why Aaron Was Chosen Skeleton in the Closet Bumpy Road to Priesthood Fulfilling Phylacteries Contaminated Water Purification Why Aaron Was Chosen Vayomer Moshe el Aaron krav el hamizbeach…v’chaper – “And Moshe said to Aaron, ‘Approach the altar…and atone” (Vayikra 9:7) Rashi explains that Aaron was afraid and embarrassed to…

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Purim-In memory of Reuven ben Sarah

By Yosef Farhi | Mar 16, 2011

The Everlasting Purim Happiness – Guaranteed(?) As Purim approaches, many of us are filled with a feeling of anticipation and excitement, looking forward to the simcha this special day can bring. However, after Purim, many often experience disappointment, feeling that simcha somehow passed them by. There is tremendous potential in Purim day, and if utilized…

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