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I love reading Rabbi Yosef Farhi’s columns, which are so full of wisdom and practical advice. He is a truly caring person, who is devoted to helping people grow and develop their spiritual potential.
- Dr. Miriam Adahan, psychologist and author
I have been reading your Parsha-sheet for 7 years. Its ideas are deep, original, inspiring yet surprisingly simple and well sourced.
- T S
Thanks to you Rabbi Farhi, seeing as I never have time to keep up with the weekly Torah Portion, now I feel like you’ve been guiding us every week to hear the unique messages Hashem is communicating through the Parshat Shavuah. These "Torat chaim" life principles make the Torah and our connection to Hashem come alive. I so appreciate this learning and look forward to continuing after the holidays.
- Devorah Yaffar Singer
The effective learning course is not just a course that if you have understood it, good for you, and if not you wasted some money. Rabbi Farhi makes sure that each person signing up for the course benefits from the tools taught and is able to use them.
-M. S. Spitzer
I've been a regular reader of Rabbi Farhi's weekly Divrei Torah, since he began publishing them. In particular I enjoy how he brings the Jewish angle to universal philosophical, psychological, and practical issues. Very rewarding reading.
- Raphael Zeevi, New York
Thank you Rabbi Farhi, for the very real, relatable, heartfelt, and inspiring divrei Torah. I learned a lot from the shofar shiur you gave last week. Toda raba!
- aviva
Dear Rabbi, I just want to say how much i have been inspired by your weekly torah email thinking of me. It strikes a note with me each time i read it.I look forward to receiving it each week . you should be matzliach with your new web site. Keep writing these amazing weekly parsha sheets.
- Aryeh leib Cass Bayit Vegan Jerusalem
- Moshe B. Monsey NY
It is a shame that you do not print out Bein Hazmanim your Parshe Sheets because they really boost me up. Seriously.
- David F, Israel
I used to hate reading. After the course, I learned how to love reading and learning. Now, that i jumped to speeds of 900 words a minute, I find all different tools for life in the books that I read. Books that I would never have gotten to, if not for Rabbi Farhi's skills of Effective Reading.
- Avigdor, Brooklyn
Hello Rabbi Farhi, My husband and I wait every week to read your weekly dvar torah. We would like to receive them by email if possible. Thank you
- Anonymous, Israel
- Anonymous, Israel
Hi rabbi! I am a former student in yeshiva Lev Aharon and I want to thank you for your weekly Dvar Torah that you send out every week, I enjoy it very much! Every week I print it out and even make a few copies to spread it around my shul so not only I can read this amazing Dvar Torah, but so can other people!
- David, NY
Unbelievable! Awesome! Mamesh the highest!
- Anonymous
Thank you I really enjoy how you integrate your coaching knowledge with the Parsha. I fwd it on to many.
- C S, Ramot
Rav Farhi Hi, i am writing to you beacause i love the Dvar Toires that you write every week. Would you be able to send me all the Dvar Toires of this year. Best regards
- E M, Mexico
Shalom my name is Mendy and I was wondering/hoping you'd be able to continue sending the weekly vort its has helped me tremendously in the past and I'd appreciate it greatly if this would be possible. thank you so much. Shabbat Shalom
- Mendy F
Your weekly “ThinkingaboutMe” are uniformly excellent, and are helping many people. Keep up the very good work. Yeyasher kochachem, v’chazak ubaruch.
-E F, Jerusalem
greetings rabbi farhi. a big yasher koach for your very interesting weekly - it is much appreciated by many, is amusing, educational and always brings out a very good point. wishing you continued hatzlacha to inspire klal yisroel!
- A T, Jerusalem
Hi rabbi! I am a former student in yeshiva Lev Aharon and I want to thank you for your weekly Dvar Torah that you send out every week, I enjoy it very much! Every week I print it out and even make a few copies to spread it around my shul so not only I can read this amazing Dvar Torah, but so can other people!
- David, NY
Lechavod Rabbi Farhi, I did receive your video and I also think it is very true!!!! It put pieces together and made a lot of sense!!! Thank you very much!!! And will defiantly pass on!!!
- B G, Jerusalem
Hi, Can you send me your parsha. It’s really good. You must put a lot of work into it. Can you also send me a copy of last week’s.
- Y, Neveh Yaakov
I love your ideas. Wishing you great sucess. Please continue to distribute your flyers in the synagogs too. Thay give me extra desire to come and read them between and after prayers. All the best!
- Mordechai, Yerushalayim
the greatest weekly insights to the world of chinuch and kiruv based on the parsha.
- anonymous london
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