9 years of Parasha articles. 

shemot – english

By Yosef Farhi | Jan 9, 2012

                               MEMOIRS OF GRATITUDE   Moshe was reluctant to take the position of leading the Jews out of Egypt. He justified his reticence to G-d by saying: I am not a man of words … for I have a heavy mouth…

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By Yosef Farhi | Jan 3, 2012

IN LOVING MEMORY OF REUVEN BEN SARA AND CHANA BAT HENYA Being Me / Dissipating Stress One never gets burned out from being himself. “Burn-out” happens when a person tries to be someone he is not, and then finds that it is impossible! The Hebrew word for stress is מתח. This word מתח  is also…

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vayigash – english

By Yosef Farhi | Dec 27, 2011

Yehuda = Honesty, Nobility and Responsibility The inner strength of Yehuda during stressful times got him very far. Many of us know that the HolyTemplein Jerusalemwas situated in the portions of Yehuda and Binyamin. The reason for the Templebeing located in Binyamin’s lot was for something he did not do. All the tribes, excluding Binyamin,…

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MIKETZ – english

By Yosef Farhi | Dec 20, 2011

KEEP DREAMING One of the greatest gifts G-d bestowed on mankind is the ability to dream and imagine. Imagination is a tool that – when properly utilized – can transform the present into the future, helping us move from pain to pleasure, from confinement to liberty.  It can trigger in us both the ambition and…

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english- Vayeshev

By Yosef Farhi | Dec 13, 2011

   UNDERSTANDING DESTINY AND FREE WILL The well-known mishnah in Pirkei Avot tells us that “everything is foretold” (3:19).  In a similar vein, the equally well-known piyut, Yigdal, reminds us that G-d “sees to the end of an action from its outset.” Furthermore, we know that the events of the present are pre-ordained on Rosh…

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vayishlach – english

By Yosef Farhi | Dec 6, 2011

PROBLEMATIC PERSUASION After Shechem raped Yaakov’s daughter, Dina, something very strange happened. He spoke to the heart of the girl (Bereishit 34:3). Rashi informs us that he persuaded her by saying: See how your father spent an enormous sum of money for a small plot of land. I will marry you, and you will own…

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By Yosef Farhi | Nov 29, 2011

              TRUE LOVE We find a perplexing passuk with regard to Yaakov’s love for Rachel. In describing the seven years Yaakov was forced to wait before he could marry Rachel, the Torah tells us: He felt that they were like just a few days due to his love for…

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english- toldot

By Yosef Farhi | Nov 22, 2011

THE CHALLENGES OF THE FFB    (FRUM FROM BIRTH) Both Yitzchak and Rivkah had to pray hard until G-d granted them children. But a close look at the beginning of our parashah reveals that G-d actually answered the prayers of Yitzchak, not the prayers of Rivkah (Yevamot 64a). What was the reason for this? The…

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english – chaye sara

By Yosef Farhi | Nov 18, 2011

              SIBLING RIVALRY IS MORE THAN KIDS’ STUFF    The Midrash (Rabba 56) provides some of the details missing from the Torah’s account of the  Akeidah (the “Binding of Isaac”).  Among other things, it tells us just what kind of approach Satan used in trying to trip up Avraham and…

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english – vayera

By Yosef Farhi | Nov 8, 2011

HOW TO FOCUS ON PRAYER    We all want to pray with full concentration, yet our minds wander so often. This makes prayer pretty frustrating. The truth is that today, more than ever before, staying focused is a difficult goal for much of humanity. Is there any effective technique that will help us to stay…

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spanish – vayera

By Yosef Farhi | Nov 8, 2011

                                          Cómo concentrarse durante la tefilá Todos anhelamos rezar con suma concentración, pero muy a menudo nos distraemos y nos llenamos de frustración. La verdad es que en la actualidad, mantener la concentración es una meta…

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english – lech lecha

By Yosef Farhi | Nov 3, 2011

 WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM AVRAHAM’S DEFENSE OF JUDAISM     “Street-smart” people know how to deal with sticky situations. Not all of us are blessed with their talents. Indeed, even they may not be aware of how they naturally behave.  I would like to examine one of the techniques used by the “street-smart personality,”…

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Noach – english

By Yosef Farhi | Oct 27, 2011

 A MESSAGE FROM A DOVE   At the end of forty days of rain Noah sent a raven and afterward a dove to verify whether the floodwater had subsided. The dove returned to Noah with an olive tree branch in its beak. The Talmud (Eiruvin 18b) explains that the dove here relayed to Noach the…

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english – sukkot

By Yosef Farhi | Oct 9, 2011

The Sukkot Festival – Zman Simchateinu   The Torah emphasizes that Sukkot is a joyous holiday.  Indeed, it commands us not once, but twice, to be joyful on Sukkot: “Rejoice in your festival…and be totally joyous” –ושמחת בחגך…והיית אך שמח ; and “Rejoice before the Lord, your G-d, for seven days” – ושמחתם לפני ה’…

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spanish – sukkot

By Yosef Farhi | Oct 9, 2011

La Festividad de Sucot –Zman Simjatenu    La Torá pone hincapié en que Sucot es una festividad alegre. De hecho, nos ordena dos veces que debemos regocijarnos en Sucot: “Regocíjate en la fiesta… y sé totalmente feliz” – ושמחת בחגך… והיית אך שמח, y “Regocijaos ante Hashem, vuestro Di-s, durante siete días “- ושמחתם לפני ה ‘אלוקיכם שבעת…

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french – sukkot

By Yosef Farhi | Oct 9, 2011

La fête de Souccot – Zman sim’haténou   La Torah met l’accent sur le fait que Souccot est un jour de fête joyeux. En effet, elle nous ordonne non pas une, mais deux fois, d’être joyeux durant Souccot : “Réjouis-toi dans ta fête… et sois totalement joyeux” – ושמחת בחגך … והיית אך שמח et aussi…

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english – yom kippur

By Yosef Farhi | Oct 5, 2011

                                        SHORTCUT TO FORGIVENESS Not many hours lie between us and the sealing of our fate for the upcoming year. We cannot afford to waste time.  This situation causes pressure for many of us. How are…

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spanish – yom kippur

By Yosef Farhi | Oct 5, 2011

UN ACCESO DIRECTO AL PERDÓN   No nos quedan muchas horas hasta el sellado de nuestro destino para el año entrante. No podemos darnos el lujo de tomarnos unas vacaciones, lo cual pone en tensión a varios de nosotros. ¿Cómo lograremos completar nuestra “agenda de teshuvá” antes de Iom Kipur? Los Sabios nos enseñan que…

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french – yom kippur

By Yosef Farhi | Oct 5, 2011

  RACCOURCI POUR LE PARDON   Nous ne sommes plus qu’à quelques heures de la nouvelle année qui va sceller notre destinée. Il n’y a pas de temps à perdre ! Cette situation provoque un stress pour beaucoup d’entre nous. Comment allons-nous compléter notre “agenda Techouva” avant Yom Kippour ?              . Nos Rabbanim enseignent qu’il…

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english – nitzavim vayelech

By Yosef Farhi | Sep 21, 2011

                                                  THE MEANING OF TESHUVA   The Talmud gives us an example of when a sinner can be considered a genuine Baal Teshuvah (penitent): If he refrains from sinning a second time when he encounters the same woman at the same place and time where he had previously sinned (Yoma 86b). This is…

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spanish- nitzavim vayelech

By Yosef Farhi | Sep 21, 2011

   El significado de la teshuvá  Para indicar cuándo un pecador es considerado un verdadero Baal Teshuvá, el Talmud nos da un ejemplo: Si se abstiene de pecar por segunda vez cuando se encuentra con la misma mujer en el mismo lugar y hora que pecó en el pasado (Iomá 86b ). Esta es una prueba…

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french – nitzavim vayelech

By Yosef Farhi | Sep 21, 2011

            EN FIN DE COMPTE, QU’EST-CE QU’UN BAAL TECHOUVA ?   Le Talmud nous donne un exemple de cas où un homme ayant fauté peut être considéré comme un véritable baal Techouva Baal (pénitent) : S’il s’abstient de pécher une seconde fois quand il rencontre la même femme, au même…

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english – ki tavo

By Yosef Farhi | Sep 14, 2011

                                 PREPARING FOR ROSH HA’SHANAH I once overheard a conversation that echoes in my ears every year around this season. A young son of a rabbi who was looking to become wealthy asked one of his father’s wealthy congregants how…

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french ki tavo

By Yosef Farhi | Sep 14, 2011

PRÉPARATION POUR ROCH HACHANA Un jour, j’ai surpris une conversation qui résonne encore dans mes oreilles chaque année à cette époque : un jeune garçon, fils de Rav qui souhaitait devenir riche, demanda à l’un des fidèles fortunés de son père comment il pouvait y parvenir. “Cela prend seulement une journée par an”, lui répondit l’homme…

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spanish – ki tavo

By Yosef Farhi | Sep 14, 2011

PREPARÁNDONOS PARA ROSH HASHANÁ Cierta vez escuché una conversación que se me vuelve a la mente todos los años alrededor de esta fecha. Se trataba del hijo pequeño de un rabino que soñaba con ser rico y le preguntó a un hombre pudiente, concurrente de la sinagoga de su padre: “¿cómo puedo hacerme rico?”. A lo que…

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english ki tetze

By Yosef Farhi | Sep 7, 2011

READY FOR WAR כי תצא למלחמה על איוביך ונתת ד’ אלקיך בידך ושבית שביו  (כא:י) When you go out to war against your enemy, and Hashem, your G-d, gives you victory… Our Sages tell us that this passuk is hinting at going to war against the Evil Inclination, our worst enemy. As the Chovot HaLevovot…

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french ki teitze

By Yosef Farhi | Sep 7, 2011

Prêts pour la guerre    כי תצא למלחמה על איוביך ונתת ד ‘אלקיך בידך ושבית שביו (כא: י) Quand tu sortiras en guerre contre ton ennemi, et que Hachem ton D.ieu te donnera la victoire… Nos Sages nous disent que ce passouk fait allusion à la guerre contre le mauvais penchant, notre pire ennemi. Comme c’est…

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spanish ki teitze

By Yosef Farhi | Sep 7, 2011

                                              Listos para la guerra   (כי תצא למלחמה על אויביך ונתנו ד’ אלקיך בידך ושבית שביו (כא:י Cuando salgas a la guerra contra tu enemigo, y Hashem, tu Di-s, te haga victorioso ……

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english shoftim

By Yosef Farhi | Aug 31, 2011

                                        SELF-IMPROVEMENT THROUGH SELF-JUDGMENT   שופטים ושוטרים תתן לך בכל שעריך… (דברים ט”ז:י”ח) Appoint judges and enforcement officers for yourself in all your gates…(Devarim 16:18)   According to some commentators, these words refer not only to society…

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english reeh

By Yosef Farhi | Aug 25, 2011

 TZEDAKAH: HOW SMALL CHANGE CAN MAKE A BIG CHANGE   During my early days in Israel, a roommate and I were approached by a poor man as we were strolling down Meah Shearim Streetin Jerusalem. The man stuck out a cup, which contained a few coins, and said, “Shabbos Koidesh.” He meant that he was…

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spanish reeh

By Yosef Farhi | Aug 25, 2011

TZEDAKÁ: Un pequeño cambio que lleva a grandes cambios Uno de mis primeros días en Israel, mientras paseaba con un compañero por las calles de Mea Shearim en Jerusalén, se nos acercó un hombre pobre. Este extrajo un vaso que contenía algunas monedas y dijo: “Shabat Kódesh“, con lo cual quería decir que estaba juntando…

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french- reeh

By Yosef Farhi | Aug 25, 2011

Tsédaka : COMMENT UN PETIT « CHANGE » PEUT OPERER UN GRAND CHANGEMENT ?   Au début de mon séjour en Israël, mon colocataire et moi, alors que nous nous promenions dans la rue Méa Chéarim à Jérusalem, avons été abordés par un homme pauvre. Il tendait une tasse contenant quelques pièces de monnaie, et dit : « Chabbeus…

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english – ekev

By Yosef Farhi | Aug 18, 2011

 DISCIPLINING – PARENTING OR PERSONAL There are times when a parent must reprimand or punish a child. Ideally, of course, the parent should pause before taking action, and think things over. Is he (or she) acting out of love for the child, or for some other reason?  Unfortunately, some parents fool themselves or simply ignore…

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spanish – ekev

By Yosef Farhi | Aug 18, 2011

—-LA DISCIPLINA: UN ACTO EDUCATIVO O PERSONAL—- —–TRATANDO DE CONSEGUIR ‘TEMOR A DI-S’—– LA DISCIPLINA: UN ACTO EDUCATIVO O PERSONAL Ocurre que los padres deben reprender o castigar a sus hijos. En estos casos, lo ideal sería que se detuvieran antes de actuar y repensaran la situación: ¿Estoy actuando por amor al niño o por algún…

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french – ekev

By Yosef Farhi | Aug 18, 2011

——Corriger – Pour l’enfant ou pour soi ?——                                 —— Qu’est-ce que la crainte d’Hachem ?——                                         Corriger – Pour l’enfant ou pour…

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