Posts by Yosef Farhi
Click Tezaveh 2018 for download DRESS WELL Parashat Tezaveh It is amazing how much our psychology is dependent on how we dress. What we wear not only tells other people who we are. It is the greatest reflection of your self-perception. So many times, I have found that by helping a person change their wardrobe, they…
Read Full Post33 What should I wear today?
32 My Home, My Mishkan
Click Terumah 2018 to download A JEW’S SEARCH FOR SPIRITUALITY Parashat Terumah I learnt the following truism from coaching Yeshiva Bachurim and frum people. The Torah Jew is concerned more about finding spirituality in the mundane than he is by anything else. This is an area left uncovered by the psychologists of the world. No matter where…
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Click mishpatim 2018 for download WHY LIE? Parashat Mishpatim The Maharsha writes the following powerful story in the name of the Baal HaIkrim. There was once a man who was a sinner and a thief who came to a wise man to do Teshuvah. But he could not take on himself all of the laws of the…
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