Posts by Yosef Farhi
Click shemot 2018 for download BEATING THE SYSTEM Parashat Shemot There is a sad joke that goes around the yeshiva world each year at this time. Ben Hazmanim usually starts with a fast. Tisha BAv , Yom Kippur, Taanit Esther. And Sof Zman, the beginning of the end, the decline of momentum for the weaker boys, is…
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Click vayechi 2017 -2018 for download YEHUDA – I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU Parashat Vayechi Yosef’s last wish was to be buried in Eretz Yisrael. He made his brothers swear that when G-d would remember them and take them out of Egypt , they would take his bones along with them, at the Exodus. He told them,…
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click vayigash 2017 to download THE POWER OF N.A.G. Parashat Vayigash Self-help that the Torah offers is always more effective and genuine than the self-help ideas of the Gentiles. It is always an octave above. That is the idea of eight nights of Chanukkah, and it is the concept that we fought the Greeks about. We…
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