37 How do I REALLY trust in G-d?

A key to be spiritually empowered. Learn how to trust G-d and befriend your competition. Learn what one can do to turn on the focus switch in Davening. And learn what is the most powerful tool to stop speaking LH.

36 Passing Over Expectations

This class will open the discussion about how to let go of expectations, handle disappointment, and gain perspective when you’re getting off course. Plan on expecting nothing…


click vayakhel p 2018 to download   STOP OVERTHINKING IT! Parashat Vayakhel Pekudei Overthinking usually starts from something legitimate, but then it loses boundaries. It is so common for people to overthink in so many areas. Was I guilty? Why did I make such a mistake? Why did others act the way they did, or not even…

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35 Stop Overthinking It!

This class will open the discussion about how to minimize your stress due to overthinking, and how to avoid becoming paralyzed by your fears.