7: Illegal Immoral and Fattening By Yosef Farhi | 04/02/2017 | 0 Two ways to perceive life. The difference between the wants in life of aTorah Jew and the rest of the people on the planet.
6: Confidence… the real thing By Yosef Farhi | 04/01/2017 | 0 Understanding the importance of being confident, and how to stay positive and confident no matter what.
5 S.T.U.P.I.D. Why can’t many A students achieve in life like what B students have achieved? By Yosef Farhi | 03/30/2017 | 0 Simple Tangible Underestimated Imitate Doable. This module is the secret to all productivity and massive impact. It is your only hope to success.
4: A Bad Idea What is the state of mind of the people who create brilliant things? By Yosef Farhi | 03/28/2017 | 0 The successful Shadchan, the successful comedian, the successful writer, the successful entrepreneur, all use the same successful tool. They start out doing something unsuccessful, and they work it until they make it successful.
3: Wisdom Of The Menorah. What is the secret wisdom of the successful? By Yosef Farhi | 03/21/2017 | 0 All great thinkers have a common tool. They all think in a certain way. The Menorah, which represents Wisdom, has this secret hidden in it.