A GOOD HEART Sefirat Haomer The most important word I learnt since I started coaching is the word resourcefulness. Tony Robbins, the world’s leading coach says, When people fail to achieve, they often say they are missing resources like time, money, people and so on. Yet, the top achievers in the world know that resources…

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39 Achieving Resourcefulness

Learn how to reach your goals utilizing the skill of resourcefulness. The secret to have infinite internal capacity for Torah knowledge. Learn the tools to maintain a good heart. How to be resourceful. Clear the path to obtain your goals. Understand what is holding you back from accomplishing your goals. Unblock yourself in order to…

38 Love vs. Respect

Learn how to show respect to people you have relationships with. Maintain proper boundaries with those around you. Not assert yourself on others. Respect the boundaries of relationships. And understand the difference between love and respect.

Love vs. Respect

Click Emor 2018 for download  Love vs. Respect Sefirat Haomer Sefirat Haomer is a time of character refinement.  12,000 pairs, 24,000 students of R Akiva, all died at this time for not honoring each other. (Yevamot 62b) The main Avodah during the Omer is to correct that Middah of respect. There are three questions one can ask.…

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Click Tazriah – kedoshim 2018 to download  THOU SHALT LOVE THY COMPETITOR Parashat Tazriah Metzorah Rava said: When a person dies and is brought in for his final judgement, he is asked: were you faithful in your business dealings?” (Shabbat 31a) The test of business ethic is the biggest test on a Jew’s fear of G-d.  It…

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