
Curriculum is good. It is good for schools. It is good for teachers who do not want to use their creative juices, but to work along some beaten path. But every good thing has some bad sides to it.  Even a beaten path can sometimes lose the adventurous intuitiveness, creativeness of the wilderness. Schools are…

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Tools for Lashon Hakodesh 3

For proper learning, we need to tap into the inner drive of the one who is learning. What do the students want the most? They want to know what they are saying!!! They wish they knew what the words of Kriat Shema meant! ( For some reason, they don’t) They wish they knew what Birkat…

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Tools for Lashon Hakodesh 2

So what types of modules are there? I ask the child (some of these are 60 year old children who were deprived from the language their whole life), what does the word Achal mean? And the child says Eating. Eat. And I throw up my hands and say (something I cannot do as a teacher…

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Click Mattot- Masei 2019 for download YOU ARE WHAT YOU SAY  Mattot   Your speech defines who you are. Like it or not. The Shlah Hakodosh wrote, the very saying Be’ezrat Hashem, Bsiyata Dishmaya, (with the help of Heaven,) before everything that you do, has in it the power to help you, and to make you successful,…

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click pinhas – mattot 2019 for download WHY ME? Parashat Pinhas In his book, Learned Optimism, Martin Selegman, the forefather of modern-day positive psychology, breaks down positive thinking to 3 P’s.  Permanent – Is the problem/offense/issue at hand one that is permanent? Pervasive – Is the problem/offense/issue at hand perceived as bigger than it really is? Personal…

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