Sephardic Yeshiva students

One goal

Yeshivat Be'er Yitzhak has one goal. To build Sephardic leaders and mentors to guide the upcoming generation. To follow the dream of Hacham Ovadia Yosef, zt’l, and reignite the Sephardic pride.

The beer Yitzhak story

When the Darwish brothers built the yeshiva over 20 years ago, they started this mission with a yeshiva capacity of only 6 students. Today, Yeshivat Be’er Yizhak boasts over 400 young Torah Scholars!

lead by R' Shimon Baadani

Beer Yitzhak has been guided from its first days by R Shimon Baadani shlita, Nasi of the Yeshiva. R Baadani's own grandchildren learned in Be'er Yitzhak. R Baadani strongly suggests anyone who can help Be'er Yitzhak to help in whatever way they can.

Rosh Hayeshiva

R Menashe Toufik Aviezri shlita is the Rosh Yeshiva at Be'er Yitzhak. The greatest Rabbis say that he is one of the greatest Talmidei Hachamim in the world today. He challenges the students to maximize their potential.

R Bakshi Doron zt'l

R Bakshi Doron inspired and encouraged the Darwich brothers to build Yeshivat Be'er Yitzhak. R' Bakshi has blessed all those who have donated and will donate to support this yeshiva. Video will be sent to any donor who requests.

Syrian community rabbis

Beer Yitzhak has been visited by many of the rabbis of the Syrian community of NY/ NJ including Rabbi I. Farhi/ Rabbi E. Nahum/ Rabbi R Aboud/ Rabbi E. Ben Haim/ Rabbi S. Farhi. All of whom were extremely impressed by the revolution Be'er Yitzhak is making in the Sephardic world today.

Respect to our hachamim

Yeshivat Beer Yizhak educates its students to give the utmost respect to our Hachamim. Rabbis and donors from around the globe are delighted to experience the respect Sephardim have for its Hachamim reborn in the new generation.

Donors from across the world

Donors from around the globe, from Los Angeles, New York, New Jersey, Florida, Mexico, Panama, Brazil, Italy, France, Israel, Hong Kong, are all being guided by the Sefardic and Ashkenazi Gedolim to grant financial aid to Be'er Yitzhak.

Importance of a high caliber Separdic Yeshiva

Rabbi Isaac Farhi, Rabbi Shlomo Farhi, Rabbi Yosef Farhi, have all got to know Yeshivat Be'er Yitzhak. Rabbi Shlomo Farhi stresses the importance of having a Sephardic yeshiva that is on a high level, where a Sephardi boy can be proud of his heritage.

Built with R' Moshe Shapiro's inspiration

Yeshivat Beer Yitzhak was the only Yeshiva that R' Moshe Shapiro zt''l would give weekly inspiration for many years, until R' Moshe became weak. R Moshe said that the Torah itself is calling out to each and every Jew to prevent it from falling, and the Torah is begging each and everyone of us to help Yeshivat  Be'er Yitzhak.

Giving the sephardic boys a chance

The Sephardic young scholars of Be'er Yitzhak are from families that are at financial stress. Your donation will help pay for these boys meals and sleeping quarters.

Blessings from R' Chaim Kanievsky

Blessings from R' Chaim Kanievsky of longevity and success to all donors of Be'er Yitzhak.

Anyone who visits wants to get involved

R' Aharon Lev Shteinman zt''l, R' Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi shlita, Chief Rabbi R' Shlomo Amar shlit'a, are all equally impressed. Shas party leaders can't get over what they are seeing here.

About Us

Yeshivat Be'er Yitzhak, one of the top Sephardic Yeshivot in the world today, has two fundraising policies. Total transparency. Not to press donors.

Contact us at any time to inquire.

Whatsapp: +972585272023


Tax Deductible

Beer Yitzhak is tax deductible and Jcf recognized. You can donate via credit card, bank transfer, or check to our New York office.

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